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Forget the National Lottery! This could be an easier way to get rich

Still playing the National Lottery in the hope of getting rich? That's probably not the best way, explains Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

3 smart things you could do with £500 right now

Have £500 to spare at the moment? You could use it to set yourself up financially, says Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

Why I think a FTSE 100 recovery could help you make a million

I say a seriously-undervalued FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE: UKX) could set you on the millionaire path in 2019.

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Investing Articles

The average investor probably earns way below FTSE 100 returns. Here’s why

A recent study in the US found that the average investor underperforms the market by around 6% per year. This…

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Investing Articles

How I’d invest if I only had £1,000

Investing your first £1,000 can be daunting. Edward Sheldon explains how he would invest if he was just starting out…

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Investing Articles

Five moves I’m going to make if the market plunges in 2019

The stock market looks shaky. This is my game plan if it continues to fall.

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Investing Articles

Think you don’t earn enough to save and invest? Read this now

If you think investing is only for those on huge salaries, think again, says Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

How you can invest like Britain’s best fund manager

Nick Train is regarded by many as Britains best fund manager and he has done it with a very simple…

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Investing Articles

Why ‘diversifying’ like Warren Buffett can boost your ISA returns

You’ve probably heard a lot about diversification so it may surprise you to know that pros like Warren Buffett have…

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Investing Articles

3 key questions to ask yourself after October’s market crash

Don't despair if your portfolio is bleeding value. Here's why Paul Summers regards this month market mayhem as an important…

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Investing Articles

The number of UK millionaires is booming! Here’s how you could become one of them

The number of millionaires here in the UK is exploding. Would you like to join the pack?

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Investing Articles

This is the best place for buy-to-let investors to buy!

Royston Wild looks at the most lucrative buy-to-let destination in Europe. Any guesses?

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Investing Articles

Calling all cash ISA investors: 2 critical nuggets of information that you need to know

Royston Wild shares some important details that all cash ISA investors need to know about.

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Investing Articles

Warning – the global bond rout could destroy your portfolio!

Harvey Jones asks whether you can cope with the end of the 30-year bond bull market.

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Investing Articles

Buy-to-let vs the stock market – which is better?

Buy-to-let investing and stock market investing can both make you wealthy. But is one better than the other?

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Investing Articles

4 ways to be a less emotional investor

From Brexit to trade wars, there always seems to be something for investors to worry about. Paul Summers offers some…

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Investing Articles

Sick of fat cat bosses creaming off the cash? Read this now

Shareholders are revolting against top bosses' pay rises, but what can you do about it?

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Investing Articles

The longest US bull market in history shows that stocks can still make you brilliantly rich!

All good things come to an end eventually, but Harvey Jones says this bull market might just have further to…

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Investing Articles

It’s official! Not investing in stocks and shares can seriously damage your wealth

We know how important it is to invest your money in the stock market. But do you?

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Investing Articles

5 tips to help you avoid stock market losses

Losing money is part of investing but following these tips should help you avoid terminal losses.

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Investing Articles

3 smart things you could do with £1,000 right now

Got £1,000 lying around and wondering what to do with it? Here are three ideas.

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Investing Articles

3 reasons why you may NEVER be able to retire

Royston Wild identifies three ways that you could destroy your retirement nest egg.

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Investing Articles

4 ways to lose everything in the stock market

Investing will always be a risky business but making these mistakes could buy you a ticket to the poorhouse.

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Investing Articles

Would you rather have a million today or 1p doubled every day for a month?

Edward Sheldon looks at the incredible power of compound interest.

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Investing Articles

Are you among the 15 million Brits failing to make this smart retirement savings move?

It’s never too late to start investing for retirement.

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Investing Articles

Want to become a stock market millionaire? Here’s ONE thing you should do

Here’s how you could improve your chances of making £1m from the stock market.

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Investing Articles

Want to get rich on the stock market? Here’s why you can ignore 90% of company accounts

Here's how harnessing the power of the internet can help you win on the stock market.

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Investing Articles

Retirement saving: three things I wish I’d done 10 years ago

By acting differently a decade ago, my investment returns could have been stronger than they have been.

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Investing Articles

Is this the secret to outperforming the FTSE 100?

Could this powerful-but-simple investment strategy help you outperform the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE: UKX) index?

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Investing Articles

3 reasons not to buy a stock

If you want to avoid big losses, make sure you avoid stocks with these attributes.

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Investing Articles

Want to retire before 65? Here’s what NOT to do

Avoiding these common mistakes could improve your chances of retiring early.

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Investing Articles

What Footsie stocks should investors buy to survive the looming trade war?

Could Donald Trump's trade sanctions trigger a run on the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE: UKX), and what should you do about…

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Investing Articles

Retirement saving: three things I wish I’d known when I was 20

Edward Sheldon looks at three key mistakes he has made over the years.

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Investing Articles

Should you sell every single stock you own today?

Harvey Jones finds a surprising grain of truth in the old stock market advice to "Sell in May...." but is…

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Investing Articles

Pay off debt or invest? A Motley Fool perspective

Should those wanting to start investing have paid off their debts first? 'Not necessarily,' says Paul Summers.

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Investing Articles

3 reasons now is a great time to invest in UK stocks

UK stocks are unloved right now. That means it could be a great time to invest.

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Investing Articles

Here’s why you should never buy at stock market peaks!

Harvey Jones says technology stocks are flying but be warned, troughs can follow peaks in all sectors and last far…

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Investing Articles

The investor lifecycle: how it affects you

Understanding where you are in the investor lifecycle is an important part of financial planning.

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Investing Articles

Will Donald Trump’s trade war make or break your portfolio?

Trade wars, what are they good for? Picking up hot stocks at reduced prices, says Harvey Jones.

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Investing Articles

Ready to begin investing? Don’t do anything before you’ve read this

Paul Summers draws up a 'to do' list for budding investors before they dive into the stock market.

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