Recent Compound Interest News

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The ISA deadline is approaching! Here’s what I’d do now

It's not long until the end of the tax year. Paul Summers reflects on why using the Stocks and Shares…

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Investing Articles

3 simple ways I’m boosting my stock market returns in 2021 and beyond

Picking great companies is one way of generating solid stock market returns, but Paul Summers thinks avoiding unnecessary costs is…

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Investing Articles

Forget the National Lottery draw. I think UK shares are a better way to get rich!

Today's National Lottery draw could leave someone £15m richer, but Paul Summers isn't taking any chances. He plans to grow…

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Investing Articles

Forget the stock market crash. Knowing this could help you retire rich

Dream of retiring rich? Understanding this simple concept should help you remain on track with your investing.

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Investing Articles

The surprising truth about lump sum vs drip feed investing

Should you throw your cash at the market regardless of where we are in the cycle? The answer may surprise…

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Investing Articles

Want to get rich? Here are 3 things you need to understand right now

Want to join the top 1%? You need to get your money working for you.

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Investing Articles

ISA deadline alert! Time is running out to make the most of your allowance

Want to give as little back to the taxman as possible? Read this now.

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Investing Articles

Would you rather have a million today or 1p doubled every day for a month?

Edward Sheldon looks at the incredible power of compound interest.

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Investing Articles

How to become a millionaire on an average salary

Take these steps consistently and a million could be closer than you think.

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Investing Articles

The Best Money Advice I Ever Heard

Here are three time-tested steps to a blissful money/life balance.

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