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Investing Articles

The BAE Systems share price is up on £30bn sales spike. Is it my next SIPP star?

The BAE Systems share price is booming on a huge sales spike from conflicts in Ukraine and beyond. With a…

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Investing Articles

The ISA deadline is approaching! Here’s what I’d do now

It's not long until the end of the tax year. Paul Summers reflects on why using the Stocks and Shares…

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Investing Articles

3 simple ways I’m boosting my stock market returns in 2021 and beyond

Picking great companies is one way of generating solid stock market returns, but Paul Summers thinks avoiding unnecessary costs is…

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Investing Articles

Forget the State Pension. I’d drip-feed £175.20 a month into a SIPP to retire rich!

I wouldn't rely on the State Pension. I'd start saving now to transform my retirement into one that's much richer,…

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Investing Articles

No savings at 40? Here’s how to boost your chances of a richer retirement

Thinking about retirement and starting from scratch in your fifth decade? You'll want to read these suggestions on how to…

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Investing Articles

No retirement savings? Here’s what I’d do right now!

Saving for retirement might be the last thing on your mind right now. But Paul Summers explains why it's still…

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Investing Articles

3 smart moves to help you to retire a millionaire

Paul Summers explains why anyone can become a millionaire, as long as they get the basics right and stay smart.

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Investing Articles

Don’t waste the market crash! I think it’s a great time to open a SIPP or Stocks and Shares ISA

As long as you already have an emergency cash fund, this Fool thinks investing now is a no-brainer.

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Investing Articles

This market crash could be the opportunity of the decade. Here’s how to avoid missing out

As long as you have a long-term perspective, there might not be a better time to begin investing.

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Investing Articles

Saving for retirement? I think this news changes everything!

The battle between the pension providers is hotting up. Paul Summers explains why.

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Investing Articles

3 reasons to not overpay a mortgage

Paul Summers reveals why he's chosen to stop tackling his biggest debt.

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Investing Articles

Forget Black Friday. Here’s how investing your cash could make you rich!

The biggest event in the retail calendar is almost upon us. Paul Summers explains how choosing not to take part…

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Investing Articles

10 steps to retirement riches

Paul Summers gives offers 10 quickfire tips for those wanting to build a big pension pot.

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Investing Articles

Want a comfortable retirement? Here’s why you should get saving in your 30s

Paul Summers explains why waiting to save for retirement is one of the worst financial decisions you can make.

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Investing Articles

How I’d invest £50k in a SIPP

Paul Summers outlines two questions he thinks all retirement-focused savers need to ask themselves.

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Investing Articles

Your 3-step guide to making up the State Pension shortfall

Looking to secure a comfortable retirement? Here's why you shouldn't be relying on the State Pension.

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Investing Articles

Retirement planning: 3 simple moves that could help you retire earlier than the State Pension age

The State Pension age is increasing. Here are three moves that could help you retire much earlier.

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Investing Articles

Have £100 to save this payday? Here are 3 smart things you could do with that money

Have a little bit of spare money this payday? Here are three clever moves you could make which don't involve…

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Investing Articles

Worried about the State Pension? You could have £13,000 in a ‘lost’ pension

There are 1.6m pension accounts that are 'lost' in the UK. Is one of them yours?

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Retirement Articles

4 things within your control that can make or break your retirement dreams

Nothing can be guaranteed when it comes to investing, but doing this won't do your chances of retiring rich any…

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Investing Articles

ISA vs SIPP: What’s the easiest way to make a million?

ISAs and SIPPs both have attractive qualities, but one could greatly improve your chances of making a million.

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Investing Articles

3 things to do in your 40s to avoid relying on the State Pension

No savings at 40? Worried about securing a comfortable retirement? Paul Summers has some suggestions.

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Retirement Articles

Worried about your State Pension retirement income? Here are 3 things I’d do immediately

The State Pension is less than £170 per week. Here are three things you can do to potentially boost your…

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Investing Articles

ISA vs SIPP: which could make you a millionaire first?

Which tax-efficient account could get you to the magic million faster?

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Investing Articles

3 ways to stop spending all you earn

Struggling to find money to invest? Paul Summers offers three possible solutions.

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Investing Articles

Have £500 to save this payday? Here are 3 clever financial moves you could make

Have a little spare cash this payday and wondering what to do with it? Here are three ideas that could…

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Investing Articles

The ONE reason I’d pick a Stocks & Shares ISA over a Lifetime ISA or SIPP

Here's a closer look at the main advantage of the Stocks & Shares ISA.

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Investing Articles

50% of Britons are unaware of this amazing retirement saving trick

Interested in free money to put towards your retirement savings? Read this now.

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Investing Articles

Forget the next market crash. Here are 4 things to be more worried about

Bothered by Brexit? Traumatised by the US/China trade war? There are far more important things for Fools to look out…

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Investing Articles

Buy-to-let versus a pension. Which is the smarter retirement savings strategy?

Wondering if buying a buy-to-let property is a better investment strategy than saving into a pension? Let's compare the two…

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Investing Articles

Retirement saving: most Brits don’t know about these simple ways to boost their wealth

If you're one of the millions of people in the UK putting money in a savings account, you might want…

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Investing Articles

3 reasons NOT to sell any stocks in May

Paul Summers outlines why he won't be avoiding the stock market over the summer.

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Investing Articles

2 cheap turnaround stocks I’d snap up for my 2019 SIPP

They may be down, but Paul Summers thinks these two companies could turn out to be great recovery plays for…

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Investing Articles

Forget a Cash ISA: here are 2 better options that could help you retire early

Investing outside of a Cash ISA could boost an investor’s financial position so they can retire earlier than expected.

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Investing Articles

Serious about retirement saving? Here are 3 smart moves I’d make today

Retirement saving doesn't need to be complicated. But a few simple moves can have a big impact on your wealth,…

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Investing Articles

Revealed: 2 easy ways to pick up free money for retirement

Struggling to save for retirement? Here are two ways to turbocharge your retirement savings with free money!

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Investing Articles

Save a million for retirement with just £160 a month

Learn how you can make the most of government initiatives and investing strategy to make a million with a starting…

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Investing Articles

SIPP versus ISA: what’s the difference and what are the tax perks?

Confused about the differences between a SIPP and an ISA and the different tax benefits? Here's a closer look at…

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Investing Articles

Self-employed or freelancing? Here are two easy ways to boost your retirement savings

Working for yourself and not entitled to a workplace pension? Here are two ways that you can boost your own…

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Investing Articles

SIPP, ISA or Share Account? Which is best for retirement investing?

This is one of the first decisions you need to make when investing for retirement.

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