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The Cineworld share price has more than Covid to contend with

James Reynolds explains why he thinks the Cineworld Share price may not recover after the pandemic, which means he won't…

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Investing Articles

What is happening with the TSMC share price?

James Reynolds investigates TSMC and considers whether the Taiwanese manufacturer is a fit for his portfolio.

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Investing Articles

Is now a good time to buy shares?

Buying low and watching valuations rise is one key to making money from the stock market. So, is now a…

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Investing Articles

Forget Brexit! How I’m taking advantage of this golden investment opportunity

The Brexit process could have a silver lining for shareholders, and I’m acting now.

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Investing Articles

3 reasons to like shares more than buy-to-let property

Why I think the time is right to forget buy-to-let and to invest in shares instead (and how to do…

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Investing Articles

How to achieve financial independence without being a Scrooge

You don't need to live like a pauper to set yourself up for a comfortable and independent retirement.

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Investing Articles

Should you dump your shares and pile into property?

Is property now more appealing than shares for the long term?

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Half a million could be all you need to retire happy

Why you don’t need a million to retire comfortably.

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Investing Articles

How to survive an inflation shock

The Bank of England says inflation is on the way. Here's what you can do.

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Investing Articles

Should I sell everything?

Should I sell all my shares as the British Chambers of Commerce downgrades its UK growth forecasts?

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Investing Articles

How to become a millionaire on an average salary

Take these steps consistently and a million could be closer than you think.

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Investing Articles

Has Christmas come early for the FTSE 100?

Despite knocking on the door of 7,000, the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE: UKX) looks set to go further.

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Investing Articles

5 reasons shares beat gold

Edward Sheldon offers his take on why shares are a better investment than gold over the long term.

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Investing Articles

You could be no more than 20 steps from £1 million

You could be closer than you think to being a millionaire with shares.

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Investing Articles

How the FTSE 100’s dividend could hobble the index

Holding a FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE: UKX) tracker fund now could lead to missed opportunity

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Will shares or property make you a millionaire in the next decade?

Should you pile into property or shares right now?

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Investing Articles

Head to head: buy-to-let vs shares

Should you buy into property or the stock market?

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What makes the perfect portfolio?

This is how you put together a portfolio that's set fair for the future.

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Investing Articles

The Figures Don’t Lie: Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful

Selling your investments now could damage your investment returns for the rest of your life.

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Investing Articles

How Much Money Should You Save Each Month?

Is there a simply answer to how much you should save each month?

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Investing Articles

Put Your ISA Money In Shares, Not Cash!

Putting Your Money Into A Cash ISA Is A Wasted Opportunity!

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Investing Articles

Don’t Let This Mistake Crush Your Returns From Shares

Investing lessons from an airline pilot.

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