Recent saving News

Investing Articles

Where I’ll be saving and investing my money in 2021

Those in the UK with money to save and invest face no shortage of options in 2021. Here, Edward Sheldon…

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Investing Articles

Britons are saving money like never before. But where’s the best place to invest a lump sum?

You might think that in the current environment, savings levels across Britain would be well down. However, in reality, it’s…

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Investing Articles

Saved money over lockdown? Here’s how to build your wealth now

With spending opportunities reduced due to lockdown, many people are saving like never before. But what's the best way to…

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Investing Articles

4 top money moves to make this payday

Here are four smart money tips that could help you get ahead.

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Investing Articles

In your 20s? Here are 5 top money tips that could boost your wealth by thousands

If you manage your money well in your 20s, you can set yourself up for life.

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Investing Articles

In your 20s or 30s? Here are 3 financial moves that could set you up for life

It can be tempting to ignore your finances in your 20s and 30s. That's not a very sensible idea, though.

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Retirement Articles

The 1 reason you shouldn’t save for retirement

This Fool explains why he's not saving for retirement (and what he's doing instead).

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Investing Articles

This simple ‘payday trick’ could be the key to getting rich

Want to learn the easiest way to save more money? Read on.

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Investing Articles

Like saving money? I think you’ll love these high-interest savings accounts!

Looking for a good return on your cash savings? I'd check out these accounts.

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Investing Articles

3 things to do in your 40s to avoid relying on the State Pension

No savings at 40? Worried about securing a comfortable retirement? Paul Summers has some suggestions.

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Investing Articles

Save or invest? Here’s why I’d do both

Paul Summers explains why holding cash and taking calculated risks are compatible steps for anyone wanting to improve their financial…

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Investing Articles

3 easy ways to save more money in 2019

Struggling to save money right now? These three strategies could help you save more.

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Investing Articles

A £1 million ISA: can the average person achieve it?

Think a £1 million ISA is out of reach? Think again, says Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

Millennials think they’ll inherit £130,000 each. Is this accurate?

Inheritance tax receipts are hitting record highs today. Does that mean Millennials are set for huge inheritance payments?

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Investing Articles

3 savings tips that could help you save £250+ per month

Saving can seem like a chore, but with these three tips you could pocket an extra £250 a month or…

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Investing Articles

Saving for a house? Don’t forget to save for this too

In the UK, almost everyone wants to get on the property ladder. But a house isn't the only thing to…

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Investing Articles

Want to retire earlier than dad? Here’s what I’d do

Does the thought of working into your late 60s scare you? If yes, do these three things now, says Edward…

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Investing Articles

Want a £750,000 retirement portfolio? Stop saving and start investing

Interested in building up a huge retirement pot? The key is to get your money working hard for you.

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Investing Articles

Retirement saving: 3 things I wish I’d known when I was 20

Our writer explains why he'd be retiring much earlier if he'd followed these tips when he started work.

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Investing Articles

5 saving tips that could help you save £2,000+ per year

Keen to save a bit of extra money so you can invest for the future? Here are five savings tips…

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Investing Articles

Have £500 to save this payday? Here are 3 smart moves you could make

Today is the last Friday of the month, which for many people means one thing – payday! Here are three…

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Investing Articles

62% of Brits could be making a terrible retirement savings mistake

Saving for retirement doesn't need to be complicated. But it's important not to make basic mistakes.

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Investing Articles

Serious about retirement saving? Here are 3 smart moves I’d make today

Retirement saving doesn't need to be complicated. But a few simple moves can have a big impact on your wealth,…

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Investing Articles

Revealed: 2 easy ways to pick up free money for retirement

Struggling to save for retirement? Here are two ways to turbocharge your retirement savings with free money!

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Investing Articles

In your 40s? Here’s why you need to focus on retirement saving right now

If you begin saving for retirement in your 40s, you'll give yourself a much better shot at enjoying a comfortable…

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Investing Articles

Think you don’t earn enough to save and invest? Read this now

If you think investing is only for those on huge salaries, think again, says Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

Here’s how much you need to save for retirement by 40, 50 and 60

Working out how money to have saved for retirement by certain ages is not straightforward, explains Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

Born between 1958 and 1968 and have no pension or retirement savings? Read this now

In your 50s and have nothing saved for retirement? It's not too late to do something about it.

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Investing Articles

Retirement saving: 3 reasons you should open a Stocks & Shares ISA today

Edward Sheldon looks at three key benefits of the Stocks & Shares ISA.

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Investing Articles

Want to retire wealthy? Do these two things

Edward Sheldon outlines two key money moves that you need to make if you want to retire in comfort.

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Investing Articles

Can you really survive on the State Pension alone?

The State Pension is just £164 per week. Could you survive on that?

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Investing Articles

3 smart things you could do with £1,000 right now

Got £1,000 lying around and wondering what to do with it? Here are three ideas.

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Investing Articles

You’re still making these mistakes with your money, aren’t you?

Edward Sheldon looks at two basic money mistakes millions of people across the UK are making right now.

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Investing Articles

10% of Britons admit to being ‘terrible’ with money. Are you?

Here are four warnings signs that you may need to sort your finances out as soon as possible.

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Investing Articles

Would you rather have a million today or 1p doubled every day for a month?

Edward Sheldon looks at the incredible power of compound interest.

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Investing Articles

Only 17% of Brits are making this smart retirement savings move

More than 80% of the population could be making a huge retirement savings mistake, according to Edward Sheldon.

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Investing Articles

Retirement saving: five habits of millionaire investors

Time to get your retirement finances in shape? Here are five habits of highly effective investors.

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Investing Articles

How much money do you need to save for retirement in the UK?

Do you know how much you need to save for retirement in the UK? Here are two retirement calculators that…

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Investing Articles

My 3-step strategy to cut debt and boost your savings

This simple process could help you crush your debts and build a portfolio of savings and investments.

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Investing Articles

As interest rates fall, should savers shift cash into the FTSE 100?

Could struggling cash savers boost their income by investing in the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) or is individual share-picking a better…

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