Recent New State Pension News

Investing Articles

No retirement savings? Here’s what I’d do right now!

Saving for retirement might be the last thing on your mind right now. But Paul Summers explains why it's still…

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Retirement Articles

How I’m planning to double my State Pension with this simple trick

Rupert Hargreaves outlines the plan he's using to double his income in retirement.

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Retirement Articles

How I’d avoid a rising State Pension age

Suggestions that the State Pension age should be increased to 75 have shocked many. Here's how I'd prepare for the…

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Retirement Articles

Why I think you need £250,000+ to live comfortably on the State Pension

Most people believe the State Pension is not enough to live on in retirement. So what can be done?

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Retirement Articles

The State Pension forecast: what you need to know

The State Pension is changing over the next few decades. Here's what you need to know to avoid hardship.

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Investing Articles

The simple trick I’m using to beat the State Pension

It's easy to beat the State Pension if you know how. Here's the trick I'm using today.

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Retirement Articles

Worried about your State Pension retirement income? 3 things I’d do right away

Your future financial retirement could be much brighter if you act now. Here’s how.

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Investing Articles

Worried about your State Pension? Here are 3 moves I’d make today

Rupert Hargreaves outlines some simple moves you can make to boost your income in retirement.

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Investing Articles

Warning: Research shows the State Pension isn’t enough to live off

According to retirees, the State Pension isn't enough to live off, so here's what you can do today to make…

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Investing Articles

How I plan to beat the State Pension with £50 per month

Just a few pounds a day can help you build a sizeable retirement pension pot, says Rupert Hargreaves.

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Investing Articles

How to double your State Pension the easy way

Here’s how you could invest £5 Monday to Friday and reap a retirement income of around £10,000 per year.

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Investing Articles

Will you get the full New State Pension? Here’s how to find out

Click on this article to find out where you stand with the New State Pension.

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