Recent Grexit News

Investing Articles

Why The FTSE 100 Is Set To Disappoint

The next 6 months could be challenging for the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX).

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Investing Articles

Is Greece Leaving The Euro The Best Thing For The FTSE 100?

A Greek debt default needn't damage the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX).

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Investing Articles

FTSE 100 Steadies After Greek Fudge

As a new Greek bailout draws nearer, the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) is regaining its composure.

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Investing Articles

Forget Greece: Here’s The Real Reason For The FTSE 100 Slump!

G A Chester averts his eyes from the mesmerising Greek drama to look at FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) fundamentals.

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Investing Articles

Greek Deal Or No Deal: Osborne’s Budget Is Great News For Your Financial Future

Here's why your financial future is bright whether or not Greece stays in the Euro

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Investing Articles

This Nervous Market Is Making Me Greedy

When a buying opportunity beckons, why not buy?

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Investing Articles

Could The FTSE 100 Sink Below 6,000?

How low could the FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) really go as a result of the Greek debt crisis?

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Investing Articles

How The Greek ‘No’ Vote Can Propel The FTSE 100 To New Highs

The FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) is going to reward your patience, argues this Fool.

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Investing Articles

How Much Further Can Royal Dutch Shell plc, BP plc and Tate & Lyle plc Fall?

Royal Dutch Shell plc (LON:RDSA) (LON:RDSB), BP plc (LON:BP) and Tate & Lyle plc (LON:TATE) benefit from high dividend yields,…

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Investing Articles

Grexit Or No Grexit, These 4 Stocks Are Worth Buying: Centrica PLC, International Consolidated Airlines Group SA, Savills plc And Dignity Plc

No matter what the outcome of the Greek debt talks, these 4 stocks offer significant future potential: Centrica PLC (LON:…

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Investing Articles

Has Greece Pulled It Out Of The Fire?

A last minute bailout deal may save Greece from exiting the euro.

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Investing Articles

Is This The Beginning Of The End For The Euro?

Could the single currency region be forced to break-up?

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Investing Articles

Should You Ignore Trouble In Europe And Buy Vodafone Group plc, Banco Santander SA & Northgate plc?

Are Grexit fears providing a good opportunity to buy Vodafone Group plc (LON:VOD), Banco Santander SA (LON:BNC) and Northgate plc…

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Investing Articles

3 Reasons Why The FTSE 100 Is At A Crucial Crossroad

The FTSE 100's future looks set to be decided the three main factors.

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Investing Articles

The Greek Endgame Is Here: Are You Playing?

The great Greek debt crisis game is reaching its end. Harvey Jones examines whether you should be excited or scared.

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Investing Articles

3 Grexit Fallers To Buy Today: Standard Chartered PLC, Unilever plc & Hunting plc

Roland Head explains why Standard Chartered PLC (LON:STAN), Unilever plc (LON:ULVR) and Hunting plc (LON:HTG) could be great 'Grexit' buys.

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Investing Articles

Grexit Referendum Causes More FTSE 100 Turmoil

Watch out for a shaky FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) as we await the Greek referendum result.

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Investing Videos

Would Royal Bank of Scotland plc, Lloyds Banking Group plc, HSBC Holdings plc & Barclays PLC Be Hit By A Greek Exit?

VIDEO: One Fool takes a closer look at Lloyds Banking Group plc (LON:LLOY), HSBC Holdings plc (LON:HSBA), Barclays plc (LON:BARC)…

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Investing Articles

How Will The Outcome Of Greek Debt Talks Affect Your Personal Finances?

With a deal not yet struck, how could your personal finances fare if Greece leaves or remains part of the…

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Investing Articles

As Greece Deal Nears, Which Shares Should You Buy?

A deal between Greece and its creditors may be imminent, so here are a few tips.

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Investing Articles

3 Defensive Bargains To Protect You From A Greek Exit: National Grid Plc, GlaxoSmithKline Plc & British American Tobacco Plc

Dave Sullivan suggests 3 defensive shares should a Greek default be around the corner: National Grid Plc (LON:NG), GlaxoSmithKline Plc…

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Investing Articles

Grexit Talks Could Be The Buying Opportunity Of 2015

The Greek tragedy could have a happy ending for FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) investors willing to brave the short-term volatility, says…

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Investing Articles

Here’s Why “Grexit” Doesn’t Matter For The FTSE 100

The FTSE 100 (INDEXFTSE:UKX) could rise or fall, but you could profit from any market conditions.

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